Jesse Bransford: Upfront17 October - 16 November 2013    > past   > artist page

Aqua/Sal (for David Shaw), 2013

A rectification ritual for the artist David Shaw that seeks to realign Shaw’s historical dissonance with water and the watery forces in his life. Using a synthesis of several magical systems, its power emanates from a crystal bowl of salt water in the center or focal point of the working. Salt and water, two extremely potent mineral and elemental materials have resonances in creativity and balance. Often called the universal solvent, water has extreme transformative properties in both literal and metaphysical/spiritual thinking. Salt, along with sulphur and mercury, ranks among the most powerful magical substances, and is specifically useful in cleansing and clearing energies. Over the course of the exhibition the water will evaporate from the bowl, interacting with the metaphysical forces brought to bear through the construction. The salt collected in the crystal bowl at the end of the exhibition will be given to Shaw to be consumed or tossed over his shoulder as a final consummation of the ritual.

space space  Aqua/Sal (for David Shaw), 2013; tempera paint, graphite on wall and floor, Prague crystal, saltwater; dimensions variable per site; priced per location space  Aqua/Sal (for David Shaw), 2013; detail view space
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