Mamie Holst: Secrets of the Universe 21 March – 22 April 2012 > past  > artist page

Mamie Holst distances her subject matter with the use of a limited palette of black, white, and gray. This helps the paintings close down on notions of illustration and, as well, expand out into diagrams. In the midst of all that, there are moments in the paintings that open the door to science fiction. Yet this is countered with a big breath of non-fiction as much of her imagery is gleaned from her experiences with Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome, and is so noted in the titles. The heavier textures, which are the most recent development in the work, bring a funkier and more eccentric expressiveness to the table that for me makes this work feel all the more urgent, personal, and singular.

Mamie Holst began exhibiting with Feature Inc. in 2000, and Secrets Of The Universe is her fourth one-person exhibition with the gallery. Born in Gainesville, FL, she has an MFA from School of Visual Arts (1987) and currently lives and works in Fort Myers, FL.

  Mamie Holst Mamie Holst Mamie Holst Mamie Holst Mamie Holst
space space

Landscape Before Dying (Toward Exiting #8), 2008; acrylic paint on canvas;
71 x 71”; $25,000

Landscape Before Dying (Elsewhere), 2009-11; acrylic paint on canvas; 69 x 84”; $25,000  Landscape Before Dying (Fated #4), 2008; acrylic paint on canvas;
71 x 71”; $25,000
Landscape Before Dying (Exiting), 2009-11; acrylic paint on canvas;
72 x 72”; $25,000
Landscape Before Dying (The Knowledge #2), 2011; acrylic paint on canvas; 28.25 x 28.25”; $12,000
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